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If you are ordering Blank items, use UPS's form to estimate freight cost and delivery time.
From the west, your blank order would come from: California: 90638; Seattle: 98001, 98032, 98027; Denver: 80238; LasVegas: 89118
Reno,Nv: 89434; Portland: 97220; Hats from CA: 91761
From the Mid-West: Dallas: 75019; Illinois: 60440; Ohio: 43025; Mich: 49544
From the East: New York: 10598; NJ: 08110; PA: 19053; Florida: 32218; GA: 30919
If you are having imprinting done on your items, estimate from SE Idaho: 83221 or SW Arizona 85367
Go To: UPS.com - Click on 'Calculate Time and Cost'